Tuesday 29 June 2010

Can we be better at helping the elderly?
We can actually make more projects that help the elderly as many campains nowadays only concentrate on the younger generation.
How can we bring simple technology into the lives of the elderly so that they will learn new skills and maybe connect with their family through the internet?

With the elderly always staying at home and sometimes hooked on the television, they have to let them see the other side of technology so that they will also be exposed to the internet and stuff like Facebook and Skype.

With these basic skills on the fingertips of the elderly, it will be really easier for them to communicate with friends and their loved ones in the country or maybe out of the country so that they can stay connected and stay up to date with the news and happenings in the world.
Are the elderly happy?
The elderly are not happy with some of the facilities


  1. You might want to relook at whether such modes of communication is something that is suitable or would be embraced by the elderly! Although your intentions on teaching and engaging them with technology is a useful and viable idea, it might not be totally suited to all of them due to perhaps their inhibitions with working with the newer technologies like the computers and stuffs.

  2. I agree with your suggestions,Adam,but not all your facts are true.There are many projects,especially in Singapore,to help the elderly.The elderly can already find out the happenings around the world using the TV,but only to a certain extent.
